For Permanent Lips
Tattooing your lips can be quite sensitive.
No kissing /foreign body fluids until the peeling is gone (day 5-7).
You may swell or bruise, please make sure you don’t have anything important for the next 1-2 days after your visit (depends on the person).
Do not drink alcoholic beverages for 2 days before the procedure, and caffeinated on the day of the procedure. Avoid alcohol for a few days after - it thins the blood and makes pigment fade away more.
Brush teeth before the appointment, you will skip brushing that day.
Make sure your lips are hydrated, keep them moist for a week before the procedure ,and you can gently exfoliate your lips 2-3 days before the procedure with homemade scrub (Mix brown sugar, honey, and olive oil in the same proportions and use it on clean skin.) And use chopstick/hydrating balm to keep them hydrated before the procedure. This is a MUST to ensure that the herald result is stable and good.
Do not work out the day of the procedure.
Do not sunbathe or tan for a month prior.
Do not schedule your appointment during menstruation. Please plan ahead and schedule your visit around it. Ideally on the 12-18 day of your cycle (if it is 28 days ).
Do not take anything with Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, Fish Oil or Ibuprofen for at least 3 days before your appointment.
The use of Retinoids near the treated area should be discontinued for at least 1 month.
If you have a history of COLD SORES, please contact your physician for a prescription medication to start taking on the day of the procedure and continuing for a week as a post-care. Even if you had one 10 years ago- it may come up, because of the skin trauma .If the cold sore appeared I recommend to get “Compeed” Cold Sore Patches.
Bring your favorite lip colors with you on the day of the appointment .
Expect your lips to be swollen for 2-12 hours post procedure.
Always remember that Lip tattoo is a 2 step process and touchup is important for full results.
Don’t get any lip injections one month before the procedure!!!